Featured on Jun 15th, 2018


Earthquake alarm/notification for smartphones!


QuakeAlert is smartphone application that alerts it's user when an earthquake is about to start. With a 20-30 seconds delay before the earthquake starts you have enough time to find a place to hide, or take some safety measures.

QuakeAlert is the app that even though it was in beta alerted it's users 30 seconds prior to the earthquake in 5 april, in L.A. More about the event here

Now let's see what the app is capable of:
(data taken from their website here)

  • the app gives you the expected arrival time
  • the expected intensity
  • the Distance From Quake Epicenter compared to your current location
  • magnitude
  • suggests safety measures

The app is still in beta, but you can sign up to get access anytime. Check more on their website here.

What do you think about this app? Is it ok to have it, do you think 20-30 seconds are enough to change the results? What if you get only 10s alert before the earthquake?
Leave your thoughts below.

Hunted by @ady-was-here

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