Featured on Sep 14th, 2018


Handle PDFs with Ease


PDFs may be the most handy document to share with people but there is a pain when performing any types of manipulation on them.You cant split them,add pages to them and basically do just about anything them without using large and expansive softwares. Well no more,PDFCANDY is an website that offer all manipulation related on the PDFs .You can add watermarks,edit metadata,header and footer,converting PDFs TO bmp,png,tiff,images to PDFs add pages and delete pages and many more and all this manipulations are free of cost.You can handle PDFs on their website and also download their FREE windows applications which doesn't require internet connection.And believe me this is the best PDF handler i ever seen.
Download PDFCANDY windows application here:- https://pdfcandy.com/download.html

Hunted by @ajeetberiha

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