Featured on Aug 13th, 2018


Bug and security breach hunters


Today I bring you an incredible tool that will make our projects develop in a better way, since we can ensure better security on our websites, it is a tool that will make a complete scan and analysis of our websites and check if this has had a security violation, that is to say that it will look for any type of violation or intent of hacking or data theft.

Federacy is the first bug bounty platform built for startups. Our security engineers pentest your site and let you know if you have any exploitable vulnerabilities. It's free, you only pay for results.

Federacy is an app that basically will run certain tests and analyzes that will determine the state of the security of our website, the best thing is that doing the analysis is really simple and fast and we will only have to pay depending on the type of results that let's have...

Hunted by @anomalogy

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