Featured on Oct 24th, 2018

Lordmancer II

A mobile Blockchain Game


Lordmancer II - Play a mobile Mass Multiplayer Online Role Play Game on your phone and make some Crypto!

Lordmancer just won the 1st price of the Crypto Game Conference in Minsk this October, but was already in 2016 selected for the Global top Round Game Accelerator where they received their seed investment.
After that it finished its crowdfunding campaign to raise 1M $.

Available in Appstores

It is available in the Google Play Store and has an available beta- version for iOS.

It is a real-time PvP with an expendable game world, an open market and clan wars.
While its free to play it allowes players to mine a cryptocurrency called LORD Coin (LC).

A quick look into the game reveals a game that reminds one in its design and gameplay of classics like Heroes of Might and Magic. Now, just add the fact that it is an open MMORPG, where you can actually see the other player play alongside you and that it's free to play.

Its definitely worth to check it out!

Hunted by @bamboozled

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