Featured on Jul 30th, 2018


Best marketing option for videos


Vidello is an professional video hosting platform with marketing actions. There can be clickable functions created for sales or subscribers purposes. You just need to create a prokect folder and upload your videos there. After uploading you can start to edit it for with your own style. It will be automaticly responsive for all devices. With marketing apps and animations you can improve the quality of your videos. There is also an analyse option to get real stats and have more effectieve videos. and its automaticly SEO friendly so you will be visible on search results for Google and Bing.

In myt opinion they will improve your video marketing part and you will have a professional videos. There is no limit on videos so this is also a plus. Creating click options will make marketing easy and all videos are secure.


  • Unlimited videos
  • Marketing actios
  • Analyse option
  • Auto responsive
  • Free for 7 days


  • Bandwidth for unlimited videos is not enough
Hunted by @bartrobel

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