Featured on Aug 6th, 2018

RipStik Electric

Electric board that has a detachable deck


The ripstick is an amazing board that has a catchy design which draws attention from the get-go. The deck is removable and it is designed with polymer. Having this product puts the power to twist, carve and surf in your hands.

Ripstick is designed with just two wheel and it features a 100w driven motor which is placed under the board. The battery attached can go up to 40 minutes after being charged giving the ride a change to go up to 10miles per hour.

The speed of the board can be controlled with the wireless remote which has two main buttons (Go/ stop toggle and on/off switch). allowing you to accelerate without putting your feet to the ground.

Hunted by @binitus

$7.75·79 votes·0 comments

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