Featured on Oct 16th, 2018


Solar Power Plants and Minimizing Evaporation Water


Excessive hot weather results in significant water evaporation and unused solar energy capacity wasted.
The HELIOFLOAT platform can be a solution to keep water from lakes, dams or reservoirs resulting in reduced agricultural production and drinking water needs, and HELIOFLOAT can also be a useful solar power plant.

Concept Products

  • high swimming stability of platforms supported by several air chambers
  • low cost by using lightweight construction
  • easy transportation and assembly

Suitable for

  • protect water from evaporation from hydropower lakes, potable water for drinking / agro / industry
  • solar power plants: Concentrated Solar Power (CSP), Photovoltaics (PV)
  • large-scale hydroculture / aquaculture, algae production
  • permanent large land reclamation
  • extreme desalination of saltwater lakes
Hunted by @butty

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