Featured on Jul 15th, 2018


Take care of your Elderly even though you are far away


Note: All material used is the property of The Owner

Status / Pricing : Pre-Order (Contact Provider)

😎Hi Cool Steemhunters! 😎

Before you continue, please refer to the following video to find out "IDEA" behind Aladin® creation, and some of its functions.

The Problem

Surely you already know that the elderly (grandmother, grandfather, parents) prefer to stay in their own home rather than join their married children.

Concerns then arise when their body is old, and at risk of disaster (slip, fall, or other health problems).

The Solution

Aladin® allows the elderly to remain independent longer
by detecting early signs of illness and reducing falls.

Aladin® is specifically designed to reduce the risk of falling, and predict the illness that begins in your elderly.

Risks of falling is often higher at night (due to tripping over slippers, or not being able to locate light switches, blinding light...).
Aladin® detects movements and turns on the light progressively to make your path secure.

In the event of a fall, Aladin® immediately alerts caregivers (family, friends, neighbors, or tele-care) on their phones for a quick assistance.

Its data analysis system namely PrediCare Technology® also detects early warning signs (decreased sleep quality, frequent wa- king up, etc.). To prevent emergence of illnesses.

The above features provided by Aladdin ensure your elderly survivors. At the very least, you can also get early warnings regarding their worsening condition, so you can take the best step for further treatment.


  • Assistant for nocturnal wake ups - Aladdin ensures your beloved elderly to get up in time. Otherwise, a warning will be given to you, or the person you specify.
  • Detects falls and alert up caregivers - When the elderly falls (hopefully not happen) a direct warning to a predetermined phone will be done.
  • Follows up on the quality of the rest time - This tool can also ensure your elderly sleep quality remains at a proportional time.
  • Follows up on activity time - You can find out in realtime about the time range of your elderly activity. If excessive, the warning is automatically given to you.
  • Vigilance monitoring in case of absence. If within a certain period of time the elderly does not pass one of the indicators, a warning is also given.

My Thought:

I Hope in the future, this product will adopt Camera which can be used to monitor our elderly.


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