Featured on Jun 21st, 2018

Worldopoly Mobile AR Game

Monopoly of the future, Augmented reality & AI


Do you miss to play good old Monopoly and seeing you empire grow, and did you want to live in that empire? Don´t worry, Worldopoly is developing the new version of it, for the blockchain and Augmented reality space, a version fit for the future, layered on top of your reality!

Worldopoly has launched its AirMiner, where you use your actual location to interact with the surroundings. The locationing works fine and you can walk around and scan objects, or crystals / gems to collect. The crystals or gems are worth 1 token, the same tokens available in their presale, so it is intended as a source of income.

You can already buy different buildings on a street you own, just like the classic board game monopoly. The buildings can be upgraded and protected and finally used for a purpose, such as advertisement.
A store owner could buy a building where his store is, and advertise away so players get drawn in buy the offers, since putting up real banners etc would both have limited impact and be costly or prohibited in many cases, perfect solution!

The game has many cool features in production and uses an AI core to be able to layer AR objects of the right size and value on top of your existing objects. It supports many strong tools for development of the game play and AR & AI cores, for example, Nats, Docker & Unity, full list in pic 4.

I like this idea very much, it sure is the future of monopoly, where you can own buildings in you local environment and interact with other players and their projects.

The app is free to download from google or the app store, and can even generate some income if you spend some time collecting gems and building your augmented reality.

I ´ve collected 24 gems, and need 500 for a building, I am excited to get there! You can also buy these tokens and build your empire, but I want to try playing my way up. If you want to withdraw to your Worldopoly portal account or meta mask or mew rather, since you link your wallet to it, the limit is 1000 tokens as of now. Have fun and see you in augmented reality, early adoption is the way!

Hunted by @clausewitz

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