Featured on Jun 15th, 2018

Lego Boost (Toolbox & App)

be creative by building, coding and playing


Lego Boost

Lego Boost largely consists of two parts: Boost Creative Toolbox and Boost App. You can make your Lego creations to life, using both the Boost Toolbox and the app.

Features of Lego Boost Creative Toolbox

  • There are Bluetooth Low Energy connectivity, two encoded motors, an activation button, a built-in tilt sensor, a move hub with illumination and color/distance sensors, in addition to 844 Lego parts.
  • Color/distance sensors is able to detect distance, motion, and color while providing lighting.
  • There are Five different type of robots: Robot Bunny, Cat Frankie, M.T.R.4 (Multi-Tooled Rover 4), Guitar 4000, and AutoBuilder.
  • Price: USD 159.99 (https://shop.lego.com/en-US/BOOST-Creative-Toolbox-17101)

Features of Lego Boost App

Lego Boost Tutorials

Hunted by @danihwang

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