Featured on Jul 20th, 2018

UR-1001 1000 Years Watch

For when you have way too much money to blow


Imagine you have too much money to blow. I mean way too much money.

Forget about that “Crypto Lambo”. MOAR MONEY.

Like... even more money than the average watch feature in the Financial Times’ How to Spend It.

Yes, that much money and then some more even.

So how much money are we really talking about here?

What about... say $400,000. Yes, I said #fuggetaboutdatcryptolambo.

$400,000 for a watch.

That’s right, a watch.

But not just another watch. Not just a watch for How to Spend it. A $400,000 watch.

A watch endorsed even by Felix Baumgartner.


That’s just the backside.

Felix Baumgartner? You know who that is, right?

The guy who is so mega cool that even Elon Musk couldn’t dream of such coolness.

Yeah, that’s the one.

That dude who was way too sponsored by Red Bull but did truly amazeballs things.

Did I say endorsed? Apologies, Mr. Skydiver Extraordinaire is co-founder of this awesome watch.

Since we founded URWERK, it has been Martin Frei’s and my horological playground in which we have developed new – both technically and visually – methods of displaying time. However, we were always constrained by the size of the wristwatch. With Zeit Device we could allow ourselves carte blanche and created a larger playground for our imaginations… and then filled it with all of our complications and indications.”

So, absolutely the watch Elon Musk wished he had. Paid with shareholder’s return, of course.


A watch built with precision which makes German trains jealous. With a price which makes #datdarncryptolambo look like a Volkswagen on Steroids.

I present you the UR-1001 1000 Years watch. Drool and wheep. Don’t spend your hard-earned Steem on bidbot upvotes because that ROI will NOT lead to an UR-1001. Maybe to a Volkswagen but who wants to be just another #cryptolambosheep when you can have a 1000 Years watch?


In titanium.

Oh, you will have to find a a retailer. You can’t just order them online. Amazon Prime don’t deliver that for free either.

But once you got the UR-1001 you can say that you outspend How to Spend It.

Hunted by @dashroom

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