Featured on Jun 15th, 2018


The tiny, eco-friendly personal air conditioner!


It's that time of year, where, if you don't have regular A/C you may be feeling a bit desperate to cool down. I think this little guy is PERFECT for vanlife or camping.

I remember whem @teamhumble and I tried to rig a box of ice with strategic holes cut in it powered by USB fans hooked up to power packs... yeah.. you can imagine how that went.

I would have loved this little eco friendly air conditioner that day let me tell you...

It's basically an air conditioner that works on an ice pack! You can even add aromatherapy elements if you like.. it's so easy their instructional video is 22 seconds long...

They claim that the energy cost is merely pennies a day, (you could very likely run it on a battery pack when camping too) and it can cool a 12 square meter space, nothing to argue about there!

Hunted by @dayleeo

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