Featured on Nov 7th, 2018


Energy production from the bottom of the sea


With an innovative design that minimizes maintenance costs and maximizes the production of energy this comes to become a solution of the most viable in terms of renewable energy.

The StreamCube® is a patent-pending, box-shaped energy production module with vertical rotor axes designed for current speeds between 1.0 m/s and 2.5 m/s. Powered by the impinging current, the rotors are set into rotation. The StreamCube® blades automatically adjust to their angular position with respect to the rotor. The folding and unfolding of the blades is driven and supported by the flowing fluid and the optimized current-guide-geometries.
Source: http://www.reac-energy.com/stream_cube_energy_solution.html

Every day we look for more alternatives to take care of the planet and generate energy and this is definitely one of the best.

Hunted by @difelice5000

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