Featured on Aug 22nd, 2018

Opu.ai (mobile Skin Care)

Opu app tells about your skin health using our proprietary


Opu.ai is the revolutionary new flatform which vastly improve how people address their skin care needs.

As individuals differs so also is the skin, what might be good for one’s skin might not be good for the other and the skin is a very delicate and soft part of the body that needs to be taken care of properly,

The skin care is a multibillion dollar industry but yet customers rarely get the necessary things they need to care for their skin properly, they lack good information about good products, skin treatment remedies which creates confusing in the minds of the consumers as to what kind of products to use for their skin, and this is very challenging because there are lots of fake products in the market.

Skin diary
Advisors and doctors
Mobile, Tablet, Desktop
Clinical grade skin and analysis

Opu Rewards will surely transform the skincare industry as well help the customers to actualize their goal concerning skincare products.

Hunted by @engrkevz

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