Featured on Oct 28th, 2018

Reservation Master

Very Easy to use hotel motel reservation software


If you are looking for Amazing reservation software then this one will be great choice for you.

Because This is very helpful software I've ever seen. You can check everything in details so you can easily manage your plan.

Easy to use : - Yes it is very easy to use and you don't need extra knowledge to use it. You will be familiar with it within 10 minutes.

You can use your own language : - With default languages you can also download additional languages here.

Export, Income & occupancy level :- Exporting and selecting data is also very easy. Also you can access accurate information of occupancy and income by just one touch

Additionally i want to say that company also building some great features and recently they launched new version 7.01 and it support the option to interface with Staah Channel manager and staah channel manager connected with major online booking websites of the world

Hunted by @farhasoory

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