Featured on Jul 20th, 2018


Origami Folding Canoe


What can be more cool then a folding canoe that you can folded in a box and set it up for great adventures in 10 minutes. Sounds crazy right!

MYCANOE is made of a 5 mm double-layer custom polypropylene that is lightweight and extraordinarily strong. It is manufacturer rated for 20,000 fold cycles. We've tested in a various water/weather conditions and haven't yet found any issues. With prolper care, a MYCANOE can last for years of paddling. Every component piece can be replaced in the event of breakage.

To see how simple is the process you can take a look at the video below:

Features and Pros:

  • Easy to set up in 10 minutes
  • Weights only 52lbs
  • Because it folds in to a box can be store anywhere even under your bed
  • Have 8 different sitting positions
  • Stable and difficult to capsize
  • Have the option to attach a trolling motor if you want to add more adrenaline to your adventures
  • You can attach paddles for rowing
  • Can be stored either assembled or folded for months without affecting the canoe or the floating ability
  • Has handles at the bow and stern
  • Has 4 ribs (cross bars) that makes it easy portaging
  • 5 mm double-layer custom polypropylene that makes the canoe very light and more easy and fun to navigate with
  • Great and unique design

Price: $1290 + Shipping

Hunted by @georgemales

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