Featured on Aug 1st, 2018


The Fantasy Computer!


Basic8 will give you back a sense of joy as it enable you to create and share games. You can also play disk.

It is a programme development software and you make and edit games from other software on this platform with splendid tools that are available in the software. Real time and very fast computing and gaming made easy.

  • Features
  • Handy sharing via Workshop with built-in tools
  • Disk can be made into standalone player with the Player > - Maker and HTML Maker
  • Disk can be saved as ".b8" file, ".png", or text based for sharing
  • Programmable in an easy to learn BASIC dialect with both retro and modern syntax
  • Easy to use API for graphics, input, audio, and more other facilities
  • Visualized built-in tools for editing sprite, tiles, map, quantized, etc.
  • Visualized Wave Maker for making sound effect
    Easy to bring your own tools
Hunted by @goodlucke

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