Featured on May 25th, 2018


Discover and work with talented online freelance designers


A Media that supports and accommodates a number of services from around the world, Someone can work directly here. And someone can also find employees or workers here. Great!

"Discover and work with talented online freelance designers."

"Find the right designer for your next project.We have expert designers in over 90 categories, so you can find the right partner."

This is a basic concept rather than a 99designs.com.

How it works?

The admin and system manager of 99designs.com will make great design work happen with the global community of professional designers who have joined.

Certain companies will get a designer to design the company logo or product brand, and the direct costs are set at the start of the task request. Then a designer will get the task of a particular company. And they will interact directly to decide the case against the work bond.

Hunted by @iamfo

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