Featured on Jun 16th, 2018


very useful for scientists in search of reference

  • Research is done by expert scholars, either Bachelor's or professor.
  • This application makes it easy to find material comparisons with some other studies in the form of scientific journals.
  • More than 85% of the users of these applications is very helpful in finding the source and saves time in searching reference materials about 76% even more, as compared with other methods such as up-to-date on the latest publications.

benefits :

  • much of the latest research updates in this application.
  • Filter by keyword, with the best and easiest browsing security.
  • SYNC on MENDELEY, a liaison between account, MENDELEY can open on a bookmarked when you quote the source. the folder will add a zotero, RefWorks and reference manager quickly.
  • You can save, and read at any given time via desktop or mobile android you, and your visit on www.researcher-app.com to open the back of the journal to which you save.
    You can learn more on you tube below:

sources that you can find on the researcher:

  • Engineering and Computer Science.
  • Medicine and Healthcare
  • Earth Sciences and Animal Biology.
  • Chemical and Physical Sciences
Hunted by @ifraim

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