Featured on Jan 29th, 2019


Global public comunity for gaming content



It is place build for gamer and the gaming public on Ethereum blockchain. Users can share their games, play games, and exchange games. Game developers could establish digital property rights for their games.

The gaming public is ensure to have an ranking list of game and comment content and recommendations. Game.Fund live up to expectation as place where games are develop further thru community recommendation. This surely help developers to make their games more exciting. Furthermore, Game.Fund is the world's first hard core technology team to develop own blockchain engine professional software, BCreator.io.
image.pngMoreover, Game.FUnd offers a new form of large scale games running HQ HTML5. By the way, HQ HTML5 is GAme.Fund response to the 5G era. Lastly, all historical behavoirs of both developers and reviewers were collected into a smart contract in blockchain. It could be used to further enhanced and develop games. image.pnghttps://game.fund/img/community/gamefund_en.w

Hunted by @juecoree

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