Featured on Jul 10th, 2018

Zeplin 2.0

Connected space for product teams


Still relatively unknown, but all the more practical, is Zeplin, a collaboration tool in the cloud for designers and web developers.

With Zeplin, wireframes and artboard designs can be uploaded directly from Sketch or Photoshop into clear project folders. At the same time, the information about dimensions, sizes, fonts, colors, borders and CSS information is saved. So all the details are available to the entire team in a single online repository - including automatically generated style guides.

Teams can comment on the designs as well as individual design elements via a user-friendly interface, add additional notes and notes, and invite other team members to join. Web developers can see at a glance the most important design specifications. If required, individual components can also be exported, which facilitates offline work.

Zeplin is available as a web app or as an application for OS X and Windows. As a plugin in Sketch, it can be conveniently operated with just a few mouse clicks. The integration with Slack makes the team work even smoother.


Prices monthly | yearly:

  • 1 project: $0 | $0 (free)
  • 3 active projects: $19/mo | $17/mo (starter plan)
  • 12 active projects: $29/mo | $26/mo (growing business plan)
  • unlimited projects for up to 16 members: $144/mo | $122.40/mo; per additional member $9/mo | $7,65/mo (organisation plan)


  • Nice tool for exporting designs and sharing them with your team
  • Easy to use
  • Flexible


  • downloading files or individual screens (yet) not possible

My opinion:

  • If you are looking for a collaboration tool in the cloud for designers and web developers, you should look at this here.
Hunted by @klippengeist

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