Featured on Jun 3rd, 2018

Horizon Explorer

Point your camera and receive information


Hello everyone!

How are you doing today? Hope everything is fine. Here I come with my second hunt and today I'd like to take the chance to let you know about this app that can teach you a lot about our home planet. You can now learn a lot about the Earth in a Hi-Tech way.

Just aim with your camera and you will get to know what you're aiming at. Vast amounts of information regarding the geographic entities you can see through your camera's lens available in an instant. From names and distances, to altitudes and maps of the pointed areas of the Earth's surface. No need to google anything while you're on vacation, just turn on your camera and you're set.

Works worldwide and performs a lot better when a large field of view is granted. There are no notifications or advertisements running in the background at all. This is an app that uses Google's ARCore to do augmented reality

Available for Android on Google Play

You can check out this YouTube video for more information:

I hope you liked this hunt!
Follow me for more!
Thank you for reading!
Have a good day!

Hunted by @lordneroo

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