Featured on Jan 13th, 2019


Smart button and IoT device that can control other devices


Eny is an all-in-one button or should we say one-touch home automation button. It is an IoT device which is maintenance free and can be connected to any other smart devices. What's more? It does not require any further interface, like smartphones or any panel, once it is set up. It works as stand alone.

It is said to be maintenance free because it does not have battery and no plug thus there is no messy wiring lurking on the walls. How did that happen? Let me quote this from the website:

eny is powered by energy harvesting technology.
The slight movement of the key is all you need for encrypted transmission, making you totally stress-free from battery changes or maintenances.

Another feature that is worth highlighting here is the encrypted transmission from the device to the server. This gives users the peace of mind about data safety and security.

Watch how it works on this video.

Hunted by @macoolette

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