Featured on Sep 6th, 2018


The future of online work



I am a college student and soon to graduate from a known university in our country, but even for this reason I'm afraid I can't get a stable job soon after I graduate because of the following reason:

  • underemployed (job not fit from the profession)
  • environment toxic (having a hard time adjusting with the co-worker or not comfortable with your workmates)
  • Low Salary for hard task (salary is too cheap/low for the given hard task)
  • Superiority issue (having an issue with your boss, or you are not comfortable having a boss)
  • These are just some issues that cause us to have an unstable job! and this website can provide us freedom in our work perspective!

    (video not mine)

    Thank you for checking out!

    Hunted by @maglerky

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