Featured on Sep 22nd, 2018


Appshuttle a platform to create mobile application


Have you always Imagine, if it is possible to create an application, by just drag and drop.

What i mean by drag and drop, is to drag and drop any element you want your application to have.

No more imagination, Appshuttle will turn all these imagination of yours into reality.

Appshuttle can be use by anybody, because you don't need to have any coding knowledge or experience. The platform will do the whole coding for you. You are the supervisor, Appshuttle is the engineer.

As you will be the one to supervise your app creation from scratch, with just visual drag and drop. There are no ugly templates or biased screen designs.

Application created via Appshuttle can be operation on android or ios device. This simply means after creating your application, you can upload it to either Ios or Google playstore.

Now that you know that you can create your own application, without any knowledge of coding. What are you waiting for, be an application creator with Appshuttle.

Hunted by @mayowadavid

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