Featured on Aug 17th, 2018

The Epilepsy Journal App

The Epilepsy Journal App - iOS version


Epilepsy Journal is a popular app for tracking of
seizure. Basically Epilepsy Journal is made for Epilepsy which is a chronic neurological disorder and its affects people worldwide. The goal of this app to empower people and give a better understand of epilepsy.

Epilepsy Journal is able in and android with our 15,000 downloads and it is now releasing for iOS.

App Features:
-easy to use
-record seizure details
-visual representation of seizure trends
-generate reports
-keep track of medications with reminders
-customizable to fit your individual epilepsy
-full version completely FREE with NO ADVERTISEMENTS
-available in 18 languages
-ready to share with your doctor
-VNS and Ketogenic Diet Monitoring

Hunted by @nitro.speeder

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