Featured on Jun 23rd, 2019


Your Cars Maintenance Records in One Glance


You no longer need to crack your brain about your car(s) maintenance records again, with CarG App on your smartphone, your car(s) maintenance records are always available in a glance. This App is capable to keep records of the last time you service your vehicle your car and estimate the next due service considering the current mileage.

CarG - Car Management App can manage any numbers of the basic entries for any number of vehicles
and calculating its progress considering the current mileage,
These Entries can be :

  • Engine Oil and Filter replacements
  • Brakes, Brakes Oil and Tiers replacements
  • Batteries replacements
  • Air Condition maintenance
  • Gear Box maintenance
  • Parts Replacement and maintenance and maintenance cost
  • Mileage update and current mileage and adjustable reminder notifications to update mileage.
  • Notes and photo notes for any of these Entry.
Hunted by @oluwabori

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