Featured on Apr 19th, 2019

Eden Garden Designer

Virtual tool For Garden Designs...!


My mother and father love plants ...
They have a small garden at home, they always look for ideas on how to improve it and today, thinking about it, I have found a fantastic tool ...
It is an application that will help you create a beautiful virtual garden, then you can take it to reality..!


  • You can start the creation of your jarin from scratch, or use some of the garden templates.

  • Full and total animation of your garden created. That is, you will see the flight of the lovely bees and hear the buzzing of their wings to activate the animated feature.

  • Library of plants that contain multiple information. This will allow you to know if certain plants are suitable for the area where you live, also offers tips on how to care for your plants.

Simple tool, but captivating in the design of the gardens...!!

Hunted by @pialejoana

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