Featured on Oct 15th, 2018


Get rewards for taking pics & videos of what's around you


Take snapshots or videos of what's around you & places you travel to and be rewarded with ShotCoins that you can use to buy PayPal Cash and Gift Cards from Amazon, Starbucks, Google Play, the App Store. You can even use it to buy Ethereum! Aside from that, you can convert it to bitcoin to be exhanged into fiat currency. 💵💵💵

So what are the ways to earn ShotCoins?

  • Upvotes on your "Shots"
  • Your shots get Bookmarked
  • Voting on other Shots
  • Bookmark other Shots
  • Commenting
  • Being the first to take a Shot in specific locations
  • Refer friends
  • Your friends upload their 1st profile pic
  • Your friends update their bio the first time.

Your activities will also make you gain levels that'll earn you more coins. You even earn coins as your friends level up so help them get active and earn rewards.

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Hunted by @rainbowme

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