Featured on Dec 30th, 2018

Eiffel 1000

Feel the Art of Coffee dripped from Eiffel Tower


Honestly I'm not a big fan of Dutch coffee. I just can't wait until that slow coffee wakes me up in the morning.

But I think I can wait (maybe once in a week, on a lazy Sunday?) if that slow coffee is from Eiffel Tower where I'd love to visit again in new year.

Eiffel 1000 is one of the simple models among Dutch Lab's coffee tools - they also have luxurious ("Golden Edition") and complicated ("Steampunk Edition") ones if you prefer.

Wish you a happy new year, hunters!

  • Dutch coffee maker with capacity of 1000ml (instruction manual)
  • Components to drip: water tank, water drip tank, water pipe, needle valve, coffee tank, coffee server

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Hunted by @replayphoto

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