Featured on Jun 7th, 2018


File Manager for PS Vita and PS TV


Vitashell is an open source application that is an alternative to the PS Vita's live area. It's a combination of file manager, FTP client, package installer and many more.

This app is phenomenal because it allows your PS Vita or PS TV do things that it doesn't normally do especially the file transfer. The PS Vita originally doesn't allow you to transfer files except for multimedia like music or videos but with this, any type of files can be transferred like zip files, VPK files, you can even create a file in it.

Here are some of the features it can add to your PS Vita once installed:

  • You can connect your PSVita to a computer via USB and copy files over like a pendrive or smartphone.

  • Mount pendrives, external harddisks or USB mass storage devices to your PSTV and or Vita TV

  • Adhoc file transfer capabilities

  • extract archived files directly from the console

  • QR code scanner by opening the camera of the PS Vita

  • Theme selector

  • Able to install VPK files and many more

Here's a link to Github


Hunted by @rye05

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