Featured on Oct 6th, 2018


Now ANYONE can Master Robotics


If you got a technical personality and you love robots then this is the hunt for you guys!

QuadBot is a platform which enables to learn the skills about Coding, 3D Printing, Design, Electronics and Robot Math in a productive and effective way.

QuadBot is designed for any level of experience. It works out of the box (after some fun assembly) and can be programmed using graphical blocks, ideal for young makers. However every aspect of QuadBot can be customised and changed, from the 3D Design down to a single line of C++ code, opening it up to experienced makers.
QuadBot can walk, dance, light up and with sensors it can follow you, avoid obstacles, play songs... anything is possible!

If you got an idea but do not know anything how to bring it into reality --- No need to get worried if you have QuadBot around you.

Click here more Details

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