Featured on Dec 15th, 2018


Blockchain made for business


Today I bring you to an amazing hunt : Corda, that promises to be the third wave of blockchain technology. Bitcoin brought the concept of Distributed Ledger, Immutability and Consensus and is considered to be the first wave of blockchain technology.However, High transaction cost, lack of support for complex logic to support business rules and Inability to represent assets or agreements outside of a simple currency or token has been its major drawbacks. Ethereum along with IBM’s Fabric, addressed some of these concerns and have added more value to the Blockchain technology. However, they also run on a single shared ledger allowing any participant to view all transactions. And transaction finality is also an issue, where transaction is run with ambiguity, having a chance where the block can be rejected.
Corda solves all these problems where transactions are visible to only those who are participants of the transaction. It has a unique architecture, making it a complete Business Platform

Hunted by @sanmi

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