Featured on Sep 14th, 2018

Safari Books Online

An Online collection of O'Reilly books, Videos and courses


If you are a developer, system administrator or a person working in another role in tech, then Safaribooks is a must have. Safaribooksonline is O'Reilly publishing's online portal for all their books and material. The site has great up to date info and is a rich source of information for developers and developers to be. The site is quite expensive to use, but they have a free trial that you can use. If you are a programmer or person in tech then please consider asking your employer to get your a safaribooks login. Safaribooksonline is also a great source for finding material to help you pass you IT related certifications such as: CCNA, AWS Solutions Architect etc. On safaribooksonline any programming course or book is only a search and a few clicks away.

Hunted by @shebeleeza

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