Featured on Jun 14th, 2018


The Cutting Edge Crypto Exchange Aggregator


Silex is the first application to allow you to trade on all your favorite exchanges without storing your API keys on a central server

Our app is making API calls to the exchanges directly, without going through a vulnerable centralized server. Your API keys are saved encrypted on your hard drive. You don't need to sign up or login for this app, all you need is to setup a pin code.

Monitor, trade and invest your cryptocurrencies all from one integrated terminal. You view all your balances on a single table and you can even transfer any amount of any currency from one exchange to the other, without copy pasting any address, the app does it all for you

Currently supporting: Binance, Bittrex, Gdax, Kraken, Cryptopia, Poloniex, Kucoin

Hunted by @standup75

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