Featured on Jun 30th, 2018


coffee grinder & camp light


Perfect for anyone who loves camping in the wild and is in love with coffee.

LUME is not only a rechargeable travel burr coffee grinder but also serves as a bright camp light. It is the lightest automatic grinder out there and you can compare the quality of the grounded coffee with the ones from high end coffee restaurants.

Take it with you anywhere you want and never drink bad coffee again...

Let's sum up everything we know about LUME:

  • One full charge will grind 50 cups
  • Integrated Battery rechargable
  • Different colors are available
  • Integrated Light
  • Super portable
  • Has a patented ceramic burr system

Check out the fun video about LUME...

This is super cheap! Definitely a must have for every coffeedrinking camp enthusiast... It only costs 89$

Hunted by @steemhuntsman

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