Featured on Aug 13th, 2018


The Leading AI/AR Platform For Smart Indoors


remember those bluetooth beacons that promised so much and intergrated so easily to our AP's? - yeah, what happened to that eh? it all sounded so cool and whizzy but i never truly saw a good application of it.

Everything from Indoor Positioning to Indoor Navigation, Augmented Reality Navigation, Location Based Messaging, Indoor Analytics and Indoor Tracking.

step forward then pointr with their super 'deep location' technology, so much so that they already activated a train station with this overlay technlogy to follor AR style directions which are displayed based on your bluetooth positional location on your mobile -- they even just secured a contract to roll this out in a US airport with millions of passages per year.

kinda cool for when your stressing out in the airport :)

Hunted by @teamhumble

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