Featured on Jun 10th, 2018

See Sense Ace Rear Light

Protects you and your bicycle at all cost!


See Sense Ace Light

See Sense brings you their most innovative and interactive technology for the bicycle riders community - Ace Rear Light. The See Sense Ace Rear Light gives the safety needed for the bikers and for the bicycle itself. It's an AI-integrated light device that emits a strong light with an intensity of 125 lumens observable at 200 degrees angle. It flashes light or blinks faster whenever uncommon actions were taken by the biker like crossing intersections and sudden brake actions. It has motion detectors inside the device that adds extra security for the bicycle.

With its integration to smartphone application, it helps user track their riding journeys and levels. Also, you can adjust the brightness of the device using the application. It also notifies user everytime the device needs recharging or run-out of battery energy. Furthermore, it can send warnings to the user via smartphone application whenever the motion sensor detects unnecessary movement of the bicycle - keeping away those thieves around.

The See Sense Ace Rear Light Set is on Pre-order (Save up to $10) on their product site and with the help of 4000 backing individuals from Kickstarter, the device is set to release on late week of August 2018.

Hunted by @themanualbot

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