Featured on Jul 3rd, 2018


World’s First Personal Hybrid Cloud Storage Platform



Hi, every photos, videos, files and data are very important today so we need an storage to stored and to get a back-up for all important data that's is the Amber is born Latticework announced for a new personal cloud hybrid connectivity devices. The amber is the world’s first personal hybrid cloud storage platform it is in essence a personal storage device but, its operation model it's a cloud use model and it is like having a hard drive in your home.

With the Amber you can backup all of your stuff and you can save everything your photos, videos and everything for example you are down the road and take a picture you can automatically backed-up. You can even cast your content to the TV show you as well so what kind of fun do you have having at the moment in the time. The data stay here not in the cloud but the use model is a Claudius model you can see all of your the data that somebody share to you.

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The Latticework Amber personal cloud storage platform will creates a secure network within your own home and the Amber it is not just a cloud storage Amber can actually also maximizes your Wi-Fi speed in your home. The company use SSL encryption the things like that to connect everything and neverthless encrypted. You can access files through the internet with no clouds charges.

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Features of the new Amber hybrid cloud storage solution include

  • Privacy: Amber’s sleek design lets you safely store your
  • Control: Amber’s LiFE companion app for iOS and Android/MacOS and Windows lets you effortlessly access and share your files, photos, videos, music, and memories from anywhere.
  • Security: Amber offers data-at-rest storage encryption and secure data transfer (TLS/SSL) with secure firewall -protection.
  • Convenience: With Amber, your digital memories are in sync, secure and always accessible. Plus, data is stored in its full resolution with no subscription fees required.
  • Functionality: Features of the LiFE app include camera roll auto backup function, facial search, video streaming/viewing, TV casting, remote share and access, file/folder explorer, and multi-device file synchronization. Referrence

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My Review

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Amber Best Features (Review Recap):

◆ The Amber up to 4TB local storage.
◆ The amber is compatible both iOS and Android/MacOS and Windows devices.
◆ The Amber is your personal hybrid cloud data storage.
◆ You can backup your images, videos, files and data on the Amber wherever you go.
◆ Using the Amber can maximizes your home Wi-Fi connection.

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Is this Amber is really worth it? please share your thought leave a comment of your review and don't forget to upvote my SteemHunt post. I hope you really like it. Thanks for dropping by until next hunting. @toffer


You can find all the images referrence of the Amber here:

Images 1: Referrence
Images 2: Referrence
Images 3: Referrence

Hunted by @toffer

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