Featured on Jun 27th, 2018


The best underrated game of 2018


Celeste is a game that really slipped by on a lot of people's radar but it's worth acknowledging becaude I think it's got a lot going on and there's a lot more to it than meets the eye.

Celeste has a simple premise of a girl questing to the top of a mountain on a personal journey while it doesn't look like there's a heavy focus on story.

The simplicity and just the fact of how the story is told about this character's personal journey just really nailed it for a lot of people not to mention that the game itself is reallt fun to play. It's a really clever mix of something like Super Meat Boy and a Metroidvania style game and really a bunch of other genres thrown in but it's fun and the music is some of the best of this year so far.

It's on a lot of platforms so, definitely consider it, don't let Celeste slip by you.

I never expected to gush about this game but everyone really enjoys it.

Hunted by @trishy

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