Featured on Sep 7th, 2019


Attack with ninjas, Guard your castle..


CryptoNinja is a game played entirely on the blockchain, the game processes are fully coded by smart contracts.

CryptoNinja started life on the Ethereum Network but has moved to the IOST blockchain. The game looks simple but somewhat addictive...

There are two forms of play... you can buy your ninja, select someone's castle to attack and then work out the path your ninja should take to get to the castle... or you buy a castle, and set traps to prevent other people's ninjas from attacking your castle.

The castle owners set the rewards... if a ninja successfully attacks, they get that reward, if they fail then they have to pay half the reward amount.

If a ninja triggers a trap, then they're Health Points are reduced, until they either make it to the castle or are killed.

I think this game has a bit of promise, there's definitely strategy involved and IOST is currently ranked 64 on CMC.

Hunted by @urbangladiator

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