Featured on Aug 6th, 2018


World's smartest sensor


EpSens is one of the smartest sensor in the world it has the following features:

  • Fire detection
  • Motion sensor
  • Temperature Monitoring
  • Smoke detection
  • Humidity Monitoring
  • Luminous Monitoring

EpSens comes with a mobile app which helps you to use it efficiently. The name of the app is EpsumThings and it's already available for Android on Google Play Store but would be released soon for IOS.

EpSens provides users, information about the surrounding, collected through 6 sensors built right into a single module, to their Smart phone, to provide a better safety to life.
EpSens allows users to monitor room temperature, humidity on their mobile phone through. EpSens also has an in-built buzzer which alerts the users on the spot during any abnormalities such as LPG leakage, Smoke/fire, motion in the operating area of the sensor. The notifications are also pushed to mobile phone to alert user when they are away from the home to take necessary precautions.

Hunted by @yhaulez

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